Pulse88 Radio Interview JoClarePR about PreciousHABA

Ahead of PreciousHABA network event in May 11th and special awards ceremony in June (TBC), the fabulous sisters and entrepreneurs at JoclarePR caught up with Pulse88 Radio on a much needed topic of discussion, Precious Hair and Beauty Awards which provides a platform whereby underrepresented brands and their owners can be seen and acknowledged for their cool inventions as well as achievements within the hair and beauty realm. Dr Clare (co-founder JCPR) said, “we are keen to ensure that there isn’t a loss of intimacy with independent and prestigious events such as this, which is why we are pulling all the stops, providing free entries to brand owners, bloggers and online retailers to showcase their work.”

it’s apparent we live in a world of constant rolling news. We are bombarded by a barrage of stories, so much so that we can end up just becoming swept up in the unrelenting rapids of reporting, and individual’s stories are drowned out by all the noise. Not to mention the unfairness and scrutiny from mainstream award shows. Taking a award ceremony such as this and presenting it in a way that holds almost the same weight can help connect us to the people and the future events in a more personal, intimate and emotive way. Be inspired.





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