Air date: Wed 17th Feb 11am – CLICK HERE
Established in 2005 after attending the Urban Music Festival, the British Urban Film Festival was initially formed to showcase urban independent cinema in the absence of any such state-sponsored activity in the UK. Supported by a board which includes actors, journalists, film critics and filmmakers, BUFF stands out as the only festival of its kind with a triple offering of online, on-air and spectator platforms where filmmakers and scriptwriters are presented with the opportunity to have their work showcased to the largest audience reach possible.
BUFF’s sole objective is to celebrate difference and to champion, embrace, disrupt and accurately reflect the changing cultural mass and demographic make-up of the UK as expressed primarily through film.
In 2015, BUFF marked its’ 10th year by hosting its’ first ever film awards at the Cinema museum in South London, aired on SKY TV 261, Courtesy of Illusions Cosmetics and The Voice Newspaper, Jan 2016.
Emmanuel received an Icon Recognition Award from CHUB Magazine 2015 for services to film and television and has been nominated for an Excellence in Diversity Award 2016.